Intimate surgery procedures

How can I help you?

I offer various types of intimate corrections and procedures for men.

Consultation with Dr. Roland Resch

Feel free to book a consultation with Dr. Roland Resch

Dr. Roland Resch

Long-standing expert in the field of male genital correction

Here, as far as possible online, I would like to give you an insight into our interventions we offer especially to men. It’s supposed to help you making well informed decisions about an intervention and to give you certainty on the way. On the other hand, it is important to me to break the taboo on the subject, as it affects and burdens many men.

Yours, Dr. Roland Resch

Our services in the field of male intimate surgery

What you will find here on the subject of penis enlargement, girth enhancement, glans thickening, scrotum lift and circumcision

Many men feel a great deal of distress about this issue and seeing a doctor and talking to him about it is often a big step. But don’t be afraid to do so. I know from my practice that this enables many men to regain self-confidence and enjoy their sex life and their own body like they should. I take my time for you and will be happy to advise you personally, comprehensively and discreetly.

Yours, Dr. Roland Resch

Penisverlängerung und Penisverdickung Wien

More about
Penis enlargement

Penis lengthening and girth enhancement
The desire to conform to a certain norm goes hand in hand with a high degree of self-confidence, self-acceptance and often the ability to lead a fulfilling love life. If the psychological stress is very high, serious sexual health disorders such as erectile dysfunction and others can occur.

Durch eine Eichelverdickung bzw. Peniskopfvergrößerung gewinnt die Eichel an Volumen. Auch die Gefahr eines vorzeitigen Samenergusses nimmt dadurch ab.

More about
Glans enlargement

Glans enlargement and tip-of-the penis thickening
A glans that is too small can have a huge impact on the enjoyment of sex, satisfaction with your own body and self-confidence.

Eine Hodensackstraffung bzw. Hodensackverkleinerung wird bei einem erschlafften und hängendem Hodensack durchgeführt.

More about
Scrotum lift and reduction

With increasing age, the skin of the scrotum may become overstretched and the skin around the scrotum is loosened. In addition to aesthetics, there are also impairments due to clothing, e.g. unpleasant friction or itching.

Die Beschneidung der Vorhaut beim Mann erfolgt aus ästhetischen, religiösen oder medizinischen Gründen.

More about

It is estimated that around 33% of the world's male population is circumcised. Partly for religious or cultural reasons, partly out of medical necessity. This procedure is relatively minor, but requires a lot of experience and knowledge in order to avoid complications.

Make an appointment

Dr. Roland Resch is available for a personal consultation by appointment!

Guide to male genital correction - the path to your new self

It is very important to me to support you in your decision by providing comprehensive information. In addition, a trusting relationship with your doctor is always beneficial.

Our procedure for operations

Arrange a consultation

Simply book an appointment online via "Arrange consultation" or by phone +43 1 417 05 05. We are happy to get in contact with you.

Talk to Dr. Roland Resch

At your first consultation you will be thoroughly informed about the procedure you are planning to go through. We will answer all your questions. You will take home all the documents needed concerning your treatment.

Take your time

Take your time to think it over and read the documents we provide about your planned procedure. A reflection period of about 14 days is recommended for most procedures.

2nd consultation

In a second appointment we go through all aspects of the procedure again, and I will be happy to answer all your questions.


If you decide to have the procedure, we will find a suitable date for you.

State-of-the-art methods

I am a specialist in plastic and general surgery. Through ongoing training and participation in international congresses, I am always up to date.

Affordable prices

Our pricing should make it possible for everyone to fulfill a dream. In addition, our prices are transparent and do not include any hidden costs.

Inhouse OR

We carry out operations in a very private atmosphere in our well-equipped operating room. You will recover in one of our recovery rooms and can go home the same day. If necessary, we also perform operations in one of Vienna's private clinics.